Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a loyalty program with meed, which you can use in your business.

To Set Up Your Account and create a program:

NOTE: You must first join the waitlist and wait for a confirmation email that you have been added to the white list before you can create your account.

  1. Navigate using a laptop or desktop to
  2. In the top right-hand corner, click “Sign-up for free”. The business sign-in dialogue will appear (if it recognises the email address, you will be logged in; if it doesn’t, then you will be registered)


  1. A dialog will appear. Enter your email address and click “Login”. The system will recognise you don’t have an account yet and register your email address.


  1. Check your email for your one-time password, and enter it in the dialog box.


  1. Enter your name, minimum five characters. The next time you log on you will skip this step. Click “Next Step”.


  1. You will now see the screen where you can create a loyalty program.


  1. Enter the name of your business. I will call mine “Phil’s Coffee Shop”.
  2. Enter information in “Introduce Your Business.” One or two paragraphs work best. Your information will appear in the second column as you type.
  3. Enter your address in the location field. We use Google to autocomplete.
  4. Please select your industry. For my coffee shop, I have selected “Food & Beverages. “